Starting from the first solutions proposed in the middle of last century, roundabouts became worldwide popular as a tool to break down the statistics on car accidents, and Europe encourages and promotes this technology as a solution to the problems of urban and extra-urban traffic.
RAST (Round About Solar Tracking) proposes to use the space available in roundabouts, which are already equipped and monitored, to produce electricity with photovoltaic single-axis tracking systems. The main target is to harvest energy with an aesthetic and energy improvement of what today is called the third landscape.

RAST allows the use of spaces which are already available and not used for other purposes. The roundabouts are in fact the subject of aesthetic improvement and gardening works which have considerable investment and maintenance costs. The suggested solution makes best use of land for infrastructure purposes and with increasing demands for city planning on space and the need for power and water conservation we can foresee future organic planning of such kinds of spaces.